Skin Resurfacing & Rejuvenation Services in Hamilton
Experience Advanced Skin Rejuvenation & Resurfacing Services
Our Range Of Skin Rejuvenation Treatments
Transform Your Appearance and Boost Your Confidence
The introduction of lasers has revolutionized and changed Cosmetic Aesthetic treatments.
Lasers are designed to target different specific components in the skin. Therefore, not every laser should be used with every skin type or condition. With the most up-to-date training and techniques, the team at Radiance Laser Clinic prides itself in its ability to recommend and deliver the optimal treatment for you.
While not technically a laser, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) delivers broad-spectrum amplified waves of light to the skin. This device can be used for improvement of sun damage, acne and rosacea, broken capillaries, dark spots and some birthmarks. Since the IPL produces short bursts of light to top layers of skin, damage to adjoining tissues is minimised.

Rejuvenate your skin!
Intense Pulse Light Laser (IPL), is used to target dark color in the skin. Resurfacing dissolves molecular bonds within the skin’s layers, to treat acne scarring, sun damage, wrinkles, stretch marks, and scars.
Skin rejuvenation with SharpLight™ systems gives a younger, glowing look to your skin. It simultaneously treats the three main elements of sun-damaged, environmentally-polluted and ageing skin by coagulating blood vessels, eliminating dark spots and improving skin texture.
Skin rejuvenation treatments are suitable for the face, neck, chest and hands; treating sun spots, small dilated blood vessels called telangiectasias; and skin textural changes such as small lines and enlarged pores. There are no signs of skin irritation after the treatment. You can even do it over your lunch break.
Best Suited for:
- age spots
- sun damage
- freckles
- some birthmarks
- varicose veins
- broken blood vessels on the face
- rosacea
Safe and Effective Skin Resurfacing
Fractional Laser
Fractional laser delivers hundreds of minute pinpoints of light to a square inch of skin, making treatment faster and more effective. These pinpoints of light break up scar tissue and damaged collagen, allowing normal healthy skin to regrow in its place. The healthy tissues left undisturbed between these points, speeds healing and reduces risks and downtime.
As Fractional Laser resurfacing treats the dermis and epidermal layers of skin, it is gentle enough on the skin surface to target stretch marks on the most common areas of skin including hips, abdomen, love handles, chest and arms. Treating newer stretch marks will have the best outcomes.

Fractional resurfacing treatment is a gentle and efficient procedure that reduces the range of photoaging signs and rejuvenates the skin, producing fresh, younger looking faces, necks and hands. These impressive results are achieved by replacing old, damaged cells with new, healthy ones – and, our innovative technology, this is done quickly, effectively and safely.
Our revolutionary Er:YAG laser produces a micro epidermal peel, which through a thermo-mechanical reaction, removes the problematic areas on the top layer of the skin. The fresh layer that grows has an improved texture, reduced or disappeared rhytids, wrinkles, scarring and spots and an overall renewed radiance.
This treatment is best for treating:
- Surgical scars
- Stretch marks
- Acne scarring
- Age diminishing
Discover the Benefits of Our Stretch Mark Reduction Treatments
Stretch Marks
Combat the appearance of stretch marks, perhaps the most common type of scar. Stretch marks are caused when the skin is over-stressed, when fast weight gain occurs, for example; when this happens, the collagen and elastin, which gives skin its elasticity, breaks, tearing the skin and leaving behind mark of the scar tissue.
To reverse this effect, SharpLight’s leading technologies, including Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), Radio Frequency (RF) and Infrared (IR) technologies, target damaged, problematic areas with energy and trigger the production of new, healthy tissue and increased collagen.
Through this natural healing process, skin’s elasticity, strength and appearance is restored; the skin, including the texture of the stretch mark, is smoother and the colour of the stretch mark is improved

Wrinkle Reduction To Help You Look and Feel Your Best
Wrinkle Reduction Services
Our leading med-aesthetic technologies offer unique and complete solutions to reducing the appearance of wrinkles in a safe, non-surgical and highly effective way.
Using three cutting-edge technologies, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL), Radio Frequency (RF) and Infrared (IR) technologies, our wrinkle treatments target the aging issue at its source – deep beneath the skin’s surface – to achieve younger looking skin and promote lasting results.
The three innovative technologies and the application of their light energies and other technical processes induce necrosis of damaged skin cells and old fibers and stimulates growth of new, healthy collagen fibers beneath the surface. The regenerated collagen fills and soothes the wrinkles, resulting in a firmer, stronger, more youthful complexion