Radiance Laser Clinic was curated in the later end of 2019 just before the pandemic, precisely 6 months before the world shut down!
I rented a small room in a spa to offer our Laser Hair Removal Services and eventually began offering facials too! We were blissfully happy!

Then that dreaded time where everything was obscure and uneasy… “the pandemic” happened…
With all the opening and closing rollercoaster rides, I managed to connect with another business owner and rent space from her salon which started as a beautiful journey. I built friendships and collaborated with several others and my business began to grow in ways i had never imagined it would.
I met nurse injectors, lash techs, sugaring specialists, aestheticians galore and I began to see that there was so much more Radiance Laser Clinic could offer the city.
Those 2.5 years in the salon I rented from was where I grew the most. I learned what was important to ME and I learned what I wanted for my business. That timeframe came to an abrupt standstill at the most devastating time of my life.
Our family suffered the greatest loss when my mother suddenly passed away. It was the darkest time of my life. And right then and there, my world turned upside down. I had just spent 25K to bury my mom and less than 3 weeks later, was given notice to find somewhere else to run my business. I was shocked with the turn of events with the worst timing.
I was backed into a corner to figure out what would be next. I had already started thinking of expansion and finding additional space but when this loss occurred, everything went on hold as my finances were a disaster.
I share with you all of this to tell you that no matter what life throws your way… YOU will get through it if you desire to. I could have shut it all down at that time, I could have found another room to rent or I could take this big leap and plan for the best.
This message I share with you to express my gratitude to you, our followers, our clients, our friends, our biggest supporters. Today we celebrate 1 year at our beautiful facility. We went from a 5×7 room to an 8×10 room to 1350sq.ft. space with 4 treatment rooms!…..pause, did you read that…. go back and read that again…

There was no way I would let a small setback take away what I worked so hard for.
So again, I say thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you are to us. For your patience, your love, support and trust.
Radiance Laser now offers such an array of services aside from just laser hair removal and facials. We have a sugaring specialist, an aesthetician, a dietician, a naturopathic Doctor, and a nurse injector… without your support, we couldn’t do what we do here!
Thank you for being part of this journey with us!